Sunday, 23 October 2016

Funky Fungi of The New Forest. Autumn arrives, and so do the colourful fungi that inhabit the forest floor. They have gained much popularity over recent years from foragers who claim that there is nothing wrong with picking the edible ones, but for me personally, I disagree. Firstly, by removing the fungi

Autumn arrives, and so do the colourful fungi that inhabit the forest floor. They have gained much popularity over recent years from foragers who claim that there is nothing wrong with picking the edible ones, but for me personally, I disagree. Firstly, by removing the fungi, you are removing the important role they play in forest life 
They are essential to the recycling of nutrients in all terrestrial habitats because they are the dominant decomposers of the complex components of plant debris, such as cellulose and lignin. Secondly, just to see them is part of the magic of Autumn. Just as all plants, and tree are different, so too are the fungi that emerge from the ground of forests, and woodlands. I bumped into a forager last year, who was already carrying a basket full of the edible fungi, so I asked him if he thought it was right to strip the forest bare just for his pleasure? He said that the fungi would just rot, in which I replied "that's the whole point of them". 
If by accident you knock a few over when walking in the forest, that's okay as the spores will find their way into the soil, and grow again. If you pick them, and take them home to eat, there is no regrowth. It's no different than chopping down a tree. And of course, if you're not sure whether a fungi is edible or not, don't touch it. If fact don't touch any of them, let them do their thing, and die off gracefully, just as nature intended.


  1. Great insight. I never new this about these fungi.

  2. Great insight. I never new this about these fungi.

    1. They are just as important as the trees, and also just as diverse and beautiful.
